The last continent on Astrael to become civilized, Anim was all but unpopulated before the Cataclysm. There were a few scattered villages and nomadic tribes, but overall Anim was given to wilderness. The Cataclysm decisively changed that, as a series of portals tore open across the land releasing waves of energy that left many of the native animals transformed. In the span of one moment, thousands of creatures found themselves suddenly with humanoid bodies and fully developed minds. Confused, and hardly understanding what had happened to them, it took many years for these beings to adjust to their new lives, and even then it was multiple generations before they had consolidated themselves into anything resembling a modern town.
Furthermore, the beastfolk of Anim still struggled in the face of the instincts born of their original form, leading to much conflict between the individual species. Prey species like the anxious rodentfolk or the musical finchfolk found themselves regularly targeted by predator species. Because of this, when the populace settled they did so almost entirely among their own species. Over the following centuries this cultural segregation would gradually diminish, and nowadays the populace of most countries is far more mixed, but the echoes of that original tension can still be found across Anim even today.
Populated by rodentfolk, and at the northernmost tip of the continent, Droanda is perhaps not-so-surprisingly heavily populated in the third age. The temperatures here stays mild, although storms are frequent and the low hills are prone to flooding. This makes the land fertile for farming, and the five major are surrounded by countless farms. Droandans hold the the Cataclysm and the ensuing appearance of magic